Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I made this post because I thought this idea had legs and would grow !

This is how it works . Buy some Post-Its [yellow preferred] and go shopping . If your interested in a product check where it's made . If the product is made in Asia or a slave nation , or is a product that lowers North America's wages , [Honda & Toyota ] slap a Post-it on it . Write whatever you want to say . Speak from the heart . This is a silent protest and should work as one . I would ask all people who work in box stores not to remove the Post-Its until management tells you too . Do not risk your jobs over it !!! We want stores like Walmart & Home Depot to change for the better . At one time , a long long time ago , these corporations did good for America . That time has past . Now they feed on Americans and Canadians . Show you care .


Please if you have other ideas to help or ideas of your own please post a comment .


Slickitysly said...

I'm all for supporting home grown products. I think that consumables produced by exploited workers are terrible for our free market economy, because we can't compete with manufacturers in China (et al.) who pay their "slaves" $2 a week.

With that said, you mentioned Toyota and Honda, both of which manufacture some of their products in North America - thereby employing us. In Canada: Toyota's Cambridge manufacturing facility makes the Corolla, Matrix and Lexus RX330, while their Woodstock plant will build the Rav4. While Honda's Alliston plant builds the Civic, Odessy and Acura MDX.

Hence I'm not in support of boycotting either of those brands, because they (in part) help our economy. Sure some of their manufacturing is done in China, but then again who doesn't dable in China these days. GM and Dell (off the top of my head) but if their Canadian jobs did not exist, the economic spin off would be disasterous. Other brands such as Geely do all their manufacuturing there and as such don't do anything positive for our workforce. They're the one's you should be after.

I'd like to see you compile a list of manufacturers who do all or at least the majority of their manufacturing in China and similar countries. This gives your compaign an educated direction, and ensures that you impact the right businesses.

wallycrawler said...

Love ta cross the Honda's & Toyota's off my list but can't ! Toyota is manufactured in North America under a rouse . That being General Motors owns all rights to build them here and China . They use them to cut wages . The Cambridge plant starts "associates" @ $17.00 hr. but at GM it's $28.80 ! See what's going on ? Union busting ! That's happening all over North America Honda in Alliston same , Honda Ohio same , Toyota California same . Nissan in Tennessee [Ford] same ...over & over . All these companies are controlled by the big three in one way or the other {Honda excepted they just union block].

Slickitysly said...

You wanna talk union Walmart. Their workers can't even say union without being fired.

As for your comments about the big 3, I had no idea they were engaged in such practices, but then again does it really surprise you. The nature of capitalism is to seek out the easiest and most profitable way to get a return on an investment. If that means paying workers less, or cutting environmental corners then of course any profit driven company will go for the bucks.

wallycrawler said...

Slick I would never buy anything in Walmart again [I once bought a a Lexmark color cartridge there] . I hate this company as much as mine , Home Depot . Both at one time were shining examples of companies who cared about their "associates" . Now they treat their workers as mere chattel .

Honda I understand has maybe opened up union talks at the Alliston plant [UAW]. I will look into it further . If so buy Honda ! Not a big fan of their cars though had 2 , both were shit As was my time with a Hyundai , that car spent more time at the garage than my driveway !

We now own two Saturns a 04 Vue [38 mpg]& a 98 SC2 [180,000km , 45mpg] both are great cars . My next vehicle will be a Saturn Ion Red Line . My wife will trade her Vue for a Green Line Vue Hybrid this June . We drive long distances to work . We live in the Barrie area and have long commutes . So we need dependability , safety , inexpensive service , good gas mileage and of course must be made in North America by union labourers . Saturn does that for us . Plus they don't rust !!!

crallspace said...

AS a toyota driver I will say car was assembled in OH and the company took great pride in alerting us consumers that we were buying American. The moment an American car company turns out a better car that won't be a shitbox in the shop all the time, i will buy it.

wallycrawler said...

Toyota Corolla is the same car as the Saturn Ion , Chevy Cobalt , Pontiac Pursuit ...They have the Opel European style body frame . The Corolla has a different power train . The old Saturn SL-SC power train also built in America by GM . Ether single or double overhead cams . There are other Toyota's that share the same frames with GM cars too . All made to lower the average American income . I don't want to tell you that your car is bad . It's just the same as any other car . Except it's marketed to be better . Marketing people is what it's all about . Check the salaries at the Ohio plant . The numbers don't lie .

The Taker of Gist said...

I particularly find this template offensive. The large text and simplistic design denote a connotation of a throwback to the early 21st century. Back before Blogger had the power to improve its templates. A template makes a blog, I say. I say a lot. But none of it matters much, after you take into account the fact that the world will just explode in a couple of years. Don't question it.

wallycrawler said...

I'll take that in mind . Thanx again Gist !

concerned citizen said...

What do you think of the new Walmart campaign?

Poor smilely is being dumped he's too low brow. Or prehaps too easy for wal-mart critics to parody?

I hate what wal-mart has done to the rest of the retailers in my community.

Giant Corporations are absolutely heartless. Corporations are not people. Making money is the driving force, not any kind of human compassion. Americans are expected to be patrotic, American Corporations are not.

They can pull out of the U.S. w/out a conscience.

Advertising is the bullshit Corporations use to make you think they have something like a soul.

Wallycrawler, I like your idea. It's simple, passive & legal.

X( <---R.I.P. 'smilely'

wallycrawler said...

There is no such thing as an "AMERICAN COMPANY" anymore ! They see themselves as world organizations now ! They have no allegiance to any one country . They are moral-less ententes . Much like the slave traders in the 16th 17th 18th & 19th century's . we must back companies like eg. "Carhart Clothing Company" .

I will advertise more American and Canadian made goods here in the future !

tkkerouac said...

Great Idea!

tkkerouac said...

looking forward to you next posts
will your wife let you?

wallycrawler said...

This is something I'm destined to finish ! When and how is all that's in the way .

wallycrawler said...

No more 13

tkkerouac said...

Nice new look to the blog!

Toby said...

Canadian head bangers blog. I like it

Carla said...

Awesome idea. I've been boycotting products made in China for some time now, but this is a little more vocal. I'm absolutely livid that many of the promotional products for the 2010 Olympics being held in Vancouver are made in China. And of course we were promised that this would be good for our economy. So good that taxpayers will be paying for years while China reaps the profits. Way to go.